Finding A Persona

I am working on developing a digital project titled My Fair Lady. The focus of my project is women speakers and speeches given at the Columbian Exposition, also titled theWorld’s Fair of 1893. Women like Bertha Palmer, Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and many other women gave impactful speeches over women’s rights, race, gender, religion, and many other topics. I want this project to connect with students and women primarily. Secondarily, I want researchers and history hobbyist to connect as well.

As I delve more into who my audience will, I wanted to come back to who I first originally chose for my audience. Below are two depictions of target audience, Rebecca being Primary and Steven being secondary.

Rebecca Johns- Persona 1
Steven Roberts- Persona 2

I still believe that these who personas reflect my target audience, and who I believe my project will connect most with. I think it’s important that women remain a primary target audience because the focus of my projects deals so heavily with women’s rights and participatory efforts in late 19th century. While there were predominantly white women speakers, African American women also gave impactful speeches at the Exposition. Those women included Hallie Q. Brown and Anna Julia Cooper, who are both included in my materials alongside their speeches

For the secondary audience, I wanted to take into account the accessibility of my sources and materials. All my materials are open access and in the public domain. For researchers and hobbyist this is important because it allows them to make other connections beyond what I am presenting. Researchers and hobbyist are the same as students, in the sense that they also like obtaining new information. As I continue to work through my project, it might come to be that I want more people to interact outside of the two personas I have selected. It’s important to take in outside factors when determining your audience. Which is why I wanted to develop my project with the intentions of making it accessible to students and researchers with internets.


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