Category: Uncategorized

  • Because of my Internship

    Because of my internship, I am more confident in my digital skills, professional development, and ability to collaborate as a part of a team. Throughout my internship I have had to ability to continue using my skills in blog publishing through Smithsonian Voices Office of Academic Appointments and Internships blog page, helping publish over 15 blog…

  • Experience & Insight

    Since beginning my journey in the digital public humanities, I think its very interesting to compare what I thought back then to what I have accomplished this far in regards to the work I have done as a student in the field. When I first came across the possibility of pursuing the digital humanities field,…

  • Theory and Practice

    The two skills I have been using throughout my internship have come from all three of my previous DH courses: 1. learning/using a new digital tool and 2. blog posting. I am now well into the creation of the Fellow and Internship StoryMaps project for the OAAI office and have been since the start of…

  • Meeting Expectations

    Before I started my internship at the Office of Academic Appointments and Internships (OAAI), I truthfully did not have any expectations beyond wishing to have a positive experience. This meant that there was room for growth in either direction, good or bad. I wanted to begin my journey with the OAAI office without major expectations…

  • Measuring Success

    My internship journey has been rewarding and immensely positive to say the least! While I have already learned so much, and there is still more to learn, there are a few things I have incorporated into my work life that has provided me with success. Most importantly is my work schedule. By setting aside a…

  • Developing Skills

    I am well into my 10th week as an intern with the OAAI. My time as an intern has consisted of participating in ongoing projects such as, helping with Smithsonian Voices blog submissions outreach, posting the blogs, coordinating a meeting with Craig Saffoe (curator of Great Cats at the National Zoo), attending various webinars and…

  • Positive Experiences

    As I have approached completing almost 6 weeks of my internship with OAAI, my experience has been incredibly rewarding. I have continued to have the opportunity to reach out to fellows and interns to contribute blog posts to the Smithsonian Voices blog site. I have already been able to help with the publishing of two…

  • Presenting The Past

    Presenting The Past

    What challenges do we face as history educators presenting the past in the digital world? The internet can be a double edged sword when it comes to the history profession. We have access to multiple sources at our fingers tips that were not present before the digital world became so accessible. However, we have to…

  • My Fair Lady… Pt.5

    My Fair Lady… Pt.5

    Another week of working on My Fair Lady has come and gone. My Fair Lady continues to be a digital project focused on the speeches given by women at the Congress of Representative Women during the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. Hundreds of women spoke on matters of gender roles, race, science, religion, and so much more. This…

  • My Fair Lady… Pt. 3

    I have already talked a little bit about my Omeka site My Fair Lady and the parts I have already developed. So as I have been introduced to new ideas and reading during this course, I’ve realized I have wanted to work more closely with the speeches I highlighted in My Fair Lady. Thats when…
